You can support BTJ


When we look at the activities of the global church – be it the work in our local fellowship or mission efforts in far-away places – there is a common practical denominator: All God’s work needs financial support. This has always been the case throughout church history and has taken various forms and used various methods from time to time.

This was the case when Jesus walked on earth. He often commented on the use of money, the value of donations given at the temple, such as the widow’s mite. In many ways He addressed the use of finances, from a Kingdom perspective and for Kingdom purposes.

It was also the case in the first church where the handling of money was often discussed. And sometimes illustrated by drastic events such as the situation with Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. Frequently in the early church instructions were given on how to correctly handle financial means in our service for the Lord. There are examples of “offerings received” for special projects and occasions, to support the work of God in the early days.

This is also the case today. All God’s work, in all its current variety, shape and form, needs financial support. And the Back To Jerusalem work is no exception. While China stands out in the secular world today as financially strong and highly successful in business, in general, the Chinese house-churches are poor and struggling to carry on the work God has called them to do. Their missions work is illegal due to the circumstances they find themselves in. They cannot go out with fundraising letters, magazines, Internet websites, emails campaigns or phone appeals to seek support. They cannot even openly talk about what they are doing as this is all prohibited and has to happen underground.

So the church in China needs our help. Yes, first and foremost in prayer but also in financial support.  This is an extraordinary challenge that God has put before our Chinese brothers and sisters: To bring the message of Jesus into some of the darkest places on the planet. And this effort needs strong support from the church world-wide.

If God speaks to your heart, you can help. You can be an armor-bearer with the church in China in their battle as you pray and support their effort. You may be familiar with the following expression, your pastor may have used it in the pulpit when speaking about financial stewardship for time and eternity: You can’t take it (money) with you, but you can send it on ahead! Yes, we can make investments here and now that will create eternal results and bring Kingdom returns.

Many believe that the BTJ work is such an investment opportunity for eternal purposes. By His Spirit God has uniquely called, trained and equipped the Chinese church for this challenging work. But they need us to stand with them in financial support. If we are close to the end-of-time and Jesus’ return is imminent – and no one knows for sure but the Father Himself – then this investment opportunity is truly unique and prophetic. God bless you as you listen to the voice of His Spirit regarding your involvement.