China’s Mission
China is often forefront in the news as the emerging economic powerhouse of the world. Its immense labor force has flooded the world with goods and brought great wealth into China. This remarkable industrial explosion is scrutinized and analyzed from every angle. But God in His infinite wisdom and divine plan has another purpose for China—another revolution currently going on that does not make headlines in the news. Against all odds, great revival has taken place and hundreds of millions are in the kingdom of God in China today. And in the middle of this vast revival a most amazing missions vision is growing deep in the hearts of the Chinese. They call it Back To Jerusalem.
The name has little to do with tours to Israel. As the gospel of Christ has touched the nation so powerfully, the Chinese Christians now feel it is their duty to take the gospel into the unreached areas of central Asia and the middle east. Literally, the Chinese believers want to preach all the way back to the birthplace of the gospel: Jerusalem. The Back to Jerusalem mission is clear. It is not to put hair dryers, TVs, jeans, and sneakers on store shelves throughout the world. It is to spread the gospel throughout China and in the countries of the 10-40 Window. They take the Great Commission very seriously. They hear the truth in the voice of the Lord Himself, as He spoke once on earth, and continues to speak through His Spirit in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.”
This revelation burns in the heart of the church in China: to complete the Great Commission and to see the second coming of Jesus. Thousands of missionaries are being prepared and sent—as undercover agents for the gospel—into many dangerous areas. The persecution in their own country has uniquely prepared them for this task. The revival in China has come at a great price of martyrdom and hardship. The Back to Jerusalem missionaries know their task will be costly. They are ready to put their training into action and risk their lives.
The Back to Jerusalem movement first began very primitively before the Communist Revolution in the 1940s. Back to Jerusalem bands were sent out on foot to spread the gospel. As the Communist Revolution paralyzed China the vision sunk underground, yet remained alive. But today is a new day in China. While the commercial industry fills China’s coffers, the Back to Jerusalem vision is flaring up like an insatiable fire. Please pray for our eastern brothers and sisters working tirelessly for the gospel within China itself as well as in other nations. Back to Jerusalem is China’s number one mission. In fact, the next time you look at the label of a product and see the familiar words Made In China, think of what God is making in China today: a tremendous revival! There is now arising a mighty missions force that will preach the gospel in the strongholds of darkness in Asia and the middle east, all the way Back to Jerusalem.