- China is often forefront in the news as the emerging economic powerhouse of the world. Its immense labor force has flooded the world with goods and brought great wealth into China. This remarkable industrial explosion is scrutinized and analyzed from every angle. But God in His infinite wisdom and [...]
- After the communist takeover in China and, some years later, the Cultural Revolution, all churches were banned. Church buildings were torn down, burned, or used for other purposes. Any and all religious gatherings in those years were strictly prohibited. So the Christians started to meet in secret: [...]
Watch BTJ vision video
- Take six and a half minutes and watch this video! It will help you get a better understanding of God’s work in China and the remarkable Back To Jerusalem vision. As God moves by His Spirit and the Chinese church is growing explosively, the BTJ vision is also spreading with great intensity. This Vision video gives you a snap-shot of the situation. [...]

Brother Yun, "The Heavenly Man": When we speak about "Back To Jerusalem" we are speaking about evangelizing thousands of unreached people groups in places between China and Jerusalem. It is the destiny of the house-churches of China to pull down the world's last remaining spiritual strongholds - and to proclaim the glorious Gospel to all nations before the Second Coming of our Lord.

"Brother Joseph," network leader (identity hidden for security): The Holy Spirit spoke: Preach the Gospel, not just in your hometown, but also to the ends of the earth! Our vision to preach the Gospel all the way Back To Jerusalem was confirmed.

"Sister Gloria," BTJ missionary (identity hidden for security): The Lord gave the Back To Jerusalem vision to China, and I am part of this vision. I first heard about Back To Jerusalem during a meeting. I prayed and God gave me a vision where I saw many people waiting for us to share the Good News of Jesus. This was the Holy Spirit calling me, so I decided to go out and share the Gospel with people of other nations. I just knew God had given me a heart for these people. Our God is so good!

Jeff Liu, US pastor born in China: As a teenager, I became a Christian in the remarkable revival in Henan Province China. And now the Back To Jerusalem vision is a passion of the Chinese underground churches. They pray about it, dream about it and believe this is God's ultimate call and destiny for the church in China. But this should not only be the vision of the Chinese church. Christians world-wide need to be involved. We should all speak with one voice, and together carry the vision of preaching the Gospel all the way back to Jerusalem.
Follow BTJ on TV
- A weekly half-hour Back To Jerusalem television program can be seen on several networks and TV stations. This includes Dish and DirecTv providing nationwide coverage. It contains reports about the vision, testimonies by leaders and missionaries, and features a segment with Brother Yun each week. It is hosted by Evie and Pelle Karlsson and provide[...]
Pray for BTJ
All God’s work starts in heaven. First in the heart and mind of the Father, of whom it says: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” From the heart of the Father, God’s plan of action passes the right-hand seat of His Son Jesus Christ, now the great intercessor for the church on earth. And then it is communicated to His earthly servants by the Holy Spirit, now God’s manifest presence on this planet.
You can support BTJ
When we observe all the activities of the global church – be it the work in our local fellowship or mission efforts in far-away places – there is a common denominator: All God’s work needs financial support. This has always been the case throughout history and has taken various forms from time to time. Financial support is an integral part of the life of the church.
The Back to Jerusalem vision was first heard of among the Jesus Family, a network of believers formed in 1921 in the Shandong Province, China. Out of that fellowship also came the Northwest Spiritual Movement. The people in that movement were ready to go all out for the Lord. They said, “Let’s rise to our feet and carry the cross to the nations where God is not known.
Spread the word
The church in the west is largely unfamiliar with the powerful work that God is doing in China today. The historic revival and the unique Back To Jerusalem missions movement is rarely spoken of in the churches troughout the world. We are often consumed with our own projects, limited to our view of the horizon, and perhaps missing the bigger picture.